The Marvel movie Venom has sparked a wave of anti-hero fandom. In the story, the Life Foundation brings an alien "symbiote" to Earth, conducting experiments to find the perfect host...
Following the release of the 1:1 Venom statue, Beast Kingdom presents the LS-101 Venom Movie Series Venom Symbiote Life Size Statue, designed to fulfill collectors' desires. Standing 24 cm tall, it features realistic liquid-like textures, muscular details, and professional hand-painted finishes, capturing Venom's unique look. The multi-layered painting on the eyes, teeth, and tongue makes it look as if Venom is leaping out of the container in search of its next host.
A must-have for any Marvel collection, the LS-101 Venom Symbiote Life Size Statue is the perfect addition to your collection!
- Accurate Venom symbiote reproduction from the Venom movie
- Professional sculpting and painting techniques
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